A strategy for creating livable spaces of belonging for alleenstaande minderjarige vreemdelingen (AMV).
A SENSE OF BELONGING is a spatial strategy aimed at improving the living conditions of AMV in the proces opvang locaties (POA). These young people, aged 15 to 18, reside in the Netherlands without their parents, often for extended periods, while awaiting the outcome of their asylum procedures. Although basic facilities are provided, the shelters lack essential human and social elements.
The project focuses on creating safe, flexible, and liveable environments where the young refugees can feel at home and express themselves. Key themes such as privacy, overview, ownership, and feeling of community are explored and translated into practical spatial solutions. This process involved close collaboration with the young people themselves. During interactive workshops, they worked on scale models to make their daily challenges and wishes tangible. These sessions led to innovative concepts for the bedrooms and communal areas. For instance, a warm wooden frame around the existing cold steel bed, featuring integrated storage and curtains for added privacy. Another idea was a multifunctional piece of furniture that functions as a bench, a workplace and a dressing room. Additionally, half-open doors were designed to allow staff to maintain overview without invading someone’s personal space.
The strategy highlights the importance of tailored solutions to the users’ needs and actively involving them in the design process. The goal is to develop a design that not only meets basic needs but also contributes to the well-being of these young individuals towards an effective integration with a sense of belonging.